



THOMAS BARANGA, International Trade Economist
Appointments Assistant Professor, IR/PS, UCSD, July 2009 - present Graduate Studies PhD, Economics Harvard University, 2003-2009 Thesis Title: Essays in International Trade Undergraduate Studies BA, P ...
THOMAS BARANGA, International Trade Economist
2015-8-9 21:41
Kate Oakley, Professor of Cultural Policy
Kate Oakley is Professor of Cultural Policy at the University of Leeds. Her research interests include the politics of cultural policy, work in the cultural industries, and regional development.
Kate Oakley, Professor of Cultural Policy
2015-8-9 20:01
Biochemistry Sciencetist Dr Nathan Rose
Dr Nathan RoseJunior Research Fellow in BiochemistryEmail: Dr Nathan RoseResearch InterestsI’m interested in how the interactions between DNA, and the histone proteins that package it into chromatin, ...
Biochemistry Sciencetist Dr Nathan Rose
2015-8-9 13:11
分子生物学家Chart. Lest. Enquist 博士
分子生物学家Chart. Lest. Enquist 博士,目前研究主要着重于两个方向:分子生物学,神经生物学,My research focuses on mechanisms of herpesvirus pathogenesis. Most alpha-herpesviruses (e.g., herpes simplex ...
分子生物学家Chart. Lest. Enquist 博士
2015-3-21 22:22
基础医学生命科学高级专家Professor Jonathan L. Heeney
Professor Jonathan L. Heeney,University of Cambridge, UK. 审稿及编辑方向: 基础医学,生命科学,免疫学. PhD (probationary) in Veterinary Science, Laboratory of Viral Zoonotics. University of Cambridge, ...
基础医学生命科学高级专家Professor Jonathan L. Heeney
2015-3-17 11:03
纳米工程及材料科学专家Dr Oren Scherman
My research interests include the synthesis of functional nanosystems, controlled polymer architectures and dynamic supramolecular assemblies through molecular recognition processes. our research lies ...
纳米工程及材料科学专家Dr Oren Scherman
2015-3-14 15:11
神经科学,实验心理学,神经药物学专家David Belin博士
神经科学,实验心理学,神经药物学专家David Belin博士,曾任多STRESS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON THE BIOLOGY OF STRESS 等多个期刊的编委,主编,审稿人。In October 2013 have been appointed Lecturer in Neu ...
神经科学,实验心理学,神经药物学专家David Belin博士
2015-3-14 14:30
Professor W.R. Wagner
Dr. William R. Wagner holds a B.S. (Johns Hopkins, 1986) and Ph.D. (University of Texas, 1991) in chemical engineering and has been on the faculty at the University of Pittsburgh since 1991. He is a P ...
Professor W.R. Wagner
2008-8-13 12:50
1997-8-8 23:10
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