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2002-12-23 23:50| 发布者: admin| 查看: 530| 评论: 0

◆◆当同时提及几个图、表、方程式时要用复数(分别单个地提及则不用)The reaction rate constant can be calculated from Equations 2 and 3. The reaction rate constant can be calculated from Equation 2 and Equation 3. Figs. 4 and 5 show ……

C. 冠词:

◆◆单数名词前一般要加冠词:a , the等; 但以下情况可不加:表示不特指的、较抽象的概念:

This chapter will consider the characteristics of step polymerization in detail. An understanding of the relative ease of cyclization or linear polymerization comes from a variety of sources.Different polymers are synthesized to yield various mechanical behaviors by the appropriate combinations of crystallinity, crosslinking, Tg, and Tm..但需注意这些单词前加冠词也是经常见到的,这是由它在句中的含义决定的(如有一定的特指意义)Polyisoprene is a typical elastomer – it is amorphous, easily crossed, has a low Tg  (-73°C) and a high Tm (14°C).


1        Introduction

1-1       Types of Polymers and Polymerizations

1-4 Molecular Weight

1-5 Physical State

图、表的题目中有时可省略冠词:Fig. 2-2 Second order plot of the self-catalyzed polyesterification of adipic acid with diethylene glycol at 166 °C.……Fig. 8 Dependence of the ease of cyclization on the size of the ring.化学药品、化学物质前通常不加冠词:The polymerization is catalyzed by protonic or lewis acids although a wide variety of base catalysts such as calcium acetate and antimony trioxide can also be used.图中的横、纵坐标的名称前不加冠词。

D. 大小写:请注意以下结构的大、小写:当提及具体第几章、节;图、表;方程式时,首个字母通常要大写。As discussed in Chapter 2, ……In Section 1.2, we ……As shown in Figure 1, ……The results are listed in Table 3.当不指明是第几章、节;图、表;方程式时,首个字母如在句中通常用小写。In the previous chapter, ……As shown in this figure, ……





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