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International Center of PaperTrans (Brief Introduction)

2003-3-13 20:18| 发布者: admin| 查看: 1102| 评论: 0

International Center of Science Paper is the first team good at Bio-medical translation of Chinese mainland from Chinese to English. The Center are composed numerous doctoral talents and post-doctors from such famous institutes as University of California, Johns Hopkins University, University of Cambridge and Peking Union Medical College, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Institutes in Beijing, Shanghai or Shenzhen and many others). International Center of Science Paper is a non-profit, professional translation services. Its promotion is primarily based on boosting Chinese exchange level in Bio-medical and other science study with foreign natural sciences development. Based on life science and medicine, we will take into account such other science as agriculture and technology (see related list) and other sciences. Adequate basic theory counseling for Chinese natural sciences studies will be planed as well as to fulfill self-reliance and improve individual economic life for all staffs.


Of Translation Center, more than 50% are overseas professionals, Ph.D. (Health); more than 70% of the translators have 3-5 years of overseas study or work experience. International Center of Science Paper is also the highest educational level, professional science student organizations to offer science paper translation services of the Chinese mainland.


Of the past 18 years, about 20,00 submissions had been accepted with our help, some for reversion, some for edition and some for rewriting. Of the 20,000 accepted once, The highest impact factor is around 8.2.


International Center of Science Paper has now launched a serial service functions as mainly: Journal and Translations, Theses Writing Guide, Paper Submission Consulting, Patent Translation, Patent Writing and Application, etc. Other related services will be launched at a later stage.


Academic dishonesty is forbidden here!!





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