




2011-1-1 02:04| 发布者: admin| 查看: 11394| 评论: 0

1: Acknowledgments W. M. and Z. Z. are supported by grant LM05110 from the National Library ofMedicine. We thank Dr. Warren Gish for helpful conversations, Dr. Eugene Koonin for assistancewith the samples, and Dr. Gregory Schuler for producing several of the figures.

2: Acknowledgements The authors thank the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) forsupporting this work as part of C. D. PhD work. We also thank Harry Becker, Pierre Schiano andRichard Carlson for their constructive comments during the review process. We are grateful toJohn Watson for XRF analyses and to Nick Rogers and Fatima Mokadem for ICP-MS analyses. Thanksalso go to Jason Harvey and Dan Croucher for their help in the field.

3: Acknowledgments We thank Drs. D. Morgan and C. Sherr for baculoviruses, L. Connell-Crowleyfor purified proteins, Dr. J. Shero for Y190, and Dr. H. Piwnica-Worms for baculoviruses andantibodies to cyclin B. We also thank Drs. E. Harlow, S. van den Heuvel, M. Mendenhall, A. Noda,and M. Meyerson for gifts of plasmids and for sharing unpublished data. We thank Dr. R. Sagerfor providing cell lines and Drs. A. Pardee and J. Smith, in whose lab some of these experimentswere performed. We thank B. Kuhlman, R. Richman, E. Swindell, and N. O'Leary for excellenttechnical assistance. This work was supported by National Institutes of Health grants AG-11085(to S. J, E. and J. W. H.) and RO1-AG11066, (to J. Smith) by the Welch Foundation (to J. W. H.),and by an American Cancer Society junior faculty award (to J. W. H.).







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